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39 - Jimmy Carter

Personal Statistics:

Birth Date: October 1, 1924

Birthplace: Wise Hospital (now Plains Convalescent Home), Plains, Georgia

Father: (James) Earl Carter Sr. (1894-1953)

Mother: (Bessie) Lillian Gordy (1898-1983)

Height at Prime: 5 feet 9 ½ inches

Physical Description: Sandy hair, hazel eyes, broad toothsome grin, soft drawl, dresses simply and prefers jeans

Religion: Baptist

Wife: (Eleanor) Rosalynn Smith (August 18, 1927 - ____ )

Marriage Date: July 7, 1946

Marriage Place: Plains Methodist Church, Plains, Georgia


-- John William Carter (July 3, 1947 - ____ )

-- James Earl Carter III (April 12, 1950 - ____ )

-- (Donnell) Jeffrey Carter (August 18, 1952 - ____ )

-- Amy Lynn Carter Wentzel (October 19, 1967 - ____ )

Professional Statistics:

Served in the navy (1946-1953)

Georgia State Senator (1963-1967)

Governor of Georgia (1971-1975)

39th President of the United States (1977-1981)

Political Party: Democrat

His Vice President: Walter F. Mondale (1977-1981)

Events During Presidency:

Pardon of Draft Evaders (1977)


-- Cargo Airplanes (1977)

-- Commercial Airlines (1978)

-- Natural Gas Prices (1978)

-- Trucking Industry (1980)

Energy Bill (1978)

Three Mile Island (March 1979)

Environmental Protection:

-- Ban on dumping raw sewage in ocean (1977)

-- Strip Mining Control and Reclamation Act (1977)

-- Alaska Land Act (1980)

Social Welfare:

-- Food stamps free to those eligible (1977)

-- Humphrey-Hawkins Full Employment Act (1978)

Panama Canal Treaty (1977)

Camp David Accords (1978)

Diplomatic Relations with China (1979)

SALT II Treaty Defeated (1979)

Soviet Union Invades Afghanistan (1979)

American Hostages in Iran (1979-1981)

Carter Doctrine (1980)

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